Publish stunning Annual Reports that people enjoy reading

Impress your stakeholders with an Online Annual Report. Perfectly readable on desktop, tablet and smartphone. Say goodbye to all those boxes full of old printed Annual Reports at you office!
All devices

Perfectly readable on pc, tablet & smartphone. Anywhere!
Interactive graphs

Make numbers understandable with graphs and tables
Branding strength

Increase brand awareness and show innovation
Environment friendly

Write something about Corporate Social Responsibility

Real statistics insight
with graphs and tables

Numbers and statistics can be very unclear for your visitors, and just plain boring to be honest. To get the message across these numbers must be visualized. Impress your clients and stakeholders with stunning interactive graphs and tables.

Ready to say goodbye to all those boxes full of old printed Annual Reports at your office?

Go for a real green paperless office and cut down annual design costs.
Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to download a PDF version to save or print.



per maandAltijd online
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Grafieken & tabellen
Op domein jaarverslag online

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per maandAltijd online
Onbeperkt aantal pagina’s
Grafieken & tabellen
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Geavanceerde data visualisatie
Persoonlijk advies
Premium stockphotos

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use this on my own website?

Yes, with our Pro package we’ll make sure it’s installed on your current domain (eg:

I'd like to keep my report available as a pdf for printing. Is that possible?

Absolutely, you can still use your printed or PDF version and make it available to download from your Online Annual Report.

When can I cancel my subscription?

You’re free to cancel after the first year on a monthly notice.

Why do we have to pay a monthly fee?

We’ll make sure your Annual Report is available 24/7 worldwide. You can make as many changes during the year at any time.

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